The BLUE Collection

The BLUE Collection

The women in my matriarchal line inspire and permeate my work. I carry with me the strength of generations of women who laughed and labored in the kitchen, their lives rich with resilience and love. My paintings often depict female archetypes—stoic yet vulnerable, hopeful yet unyielding—their eyes meeting the viewer with boldness and truth. These figures reflect the lessons passed down to me: to embrace honesty, to celebrate joy, and to honor struggle.

As I enter my blue period as many artists have before me, although the color may have historically corresponded with melancholy, for me the blue tones represent peace. It is a peace I only find when I go within. It is a meditation and a celebration of homemaking. At a time when my home life feels out of control, I find my peace and regain my footing in my art and in creating sacred space. The color also hints at a sense of longing for the times of the past and a nostalgia for freedom that seems to have been ripped away. I travel through distorted memories yet find home and everything I have been searching for within my own heart.

Through paint, I explore the beauty and pleasure in everyday moments, celebrating the splendor of the world and encouraging others to see it anew. From the strength of my grandmother, who worked the farm with her own hands, to the vibrant heritage of my Lebanese roots, my journey is mirrored in the layers of my art. Whether depicting patterns of heritage or evoking the feminine experience, my work invites viewers into a world where nostalgia and spirituality converge, offering a bold and emotive reflection on life’s complexities.

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